I figured out how to install Ruby (with rbenv) and get Jekyll to properly serve the site! Wow, the site looks nice.

A bit of background is in order. Aside from being about me, I want this site to be an infodump, in the sense of being a receptacle for anything pertaining to my interests that I encounter or create. I find interest in many things, and there isn’t much I can do about it, so I thought I might make this information as publicly accessible as possible. There are also a fair amount of idiosyncratic documents and spreadsheets I have that I think would be entertaining for people to look at.

The current plan is to host the website on GitHub Pages, which uses Jekyll. I haven’t worked with Jekyll much before, so I’ll be learning as I go.

For reference, if anyone is in the same situation as I was: Installing Ruby on the M1 Mac is a bit of a hassle because of the different architectures (x86 & ARM). This blog post helped me a lot. The main thing I had trouble with was that I installed rbenv using my x86 version of Homebrew (/usr/local/bin/brew), but readline is apparently installed on ARM, so it kept throwing nonsensical errors. The solution was to install rbenv using the ARM version of Homebrew (/opt/homebrew/bin/brew).

Also, I’m using Ruby 3.0.3, so in order to run bundle exec jekyll serve, I had to add Webrick (bundle add webrick).